29 Kasım 2015 Pazar

Artist bioengineers replica of Van Gogh’s ear

BIOENGINEER.ORG http://bioengineer.org/artist-bioengineers-replica-of-van-goghs-ear/

Bioengineering has given us some important medical and scientific advances: Researchers are developing artificial lungs and livers that may one day be transplanted into patients. But bioengineering also give us a new medium for art? A little piece of a long-dead artist is coming back to life in New York this fall when Diemut Strebe’s creepy living copy of Vincent van Gogh’s ear makes its New York debut at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts.


Diemut Strebe, Sugababe (2014). A living bioengineered replica of Vincent van Gogh’s ear, grown from tissue engineered cartilage cells procured from a direct male descendant. Photo Credit: Ronald Feldman Fine Arts.

Strebe persuaded Lieuwe van Gogh, the great-great-grandson of Vincent’s brother, to donate a chunk of the inside of his ear for the project. (Although it did not take much convincing because, according to Strebe, “he loved the project right away.”) Then she worked with a “who’s who” of engineers and scientists to grow Lieuwe’s ear cells on a polymer-based scaffold that approximated the shape of Vincent’s ear, based on the only known photograph of the artist showing the body part that was famously removed.


Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889). Photo Credit: Wikipedia.

The result is a piece named “Sugababe,” currently on display at the Ronald Feldman Fine Arts Gallery in New York City, in a show of Strebe’s work. The ear, which an art writer called “creepy” and Stephen Colbert called “the craziest (explicative) thing,” made its debut last year at a museum in Karlsruhe, Germany. It gets is name in part because of the sugar-white color of the ear.

Though Sugababe is admittedly macabre, visitors at the original exhibition at the Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany, “loved the ear,” Strebe insisted in an e-mail to artnet News.

I’m not sure that everyone understands the full scientific and biological implications,” the artist writes. “The scientific approach is based on the Theseus’s paradox by Plutarch… He asked if a ship would be the same ship if all its parts were replaced. This paradox is brought into a 21st-century context by using a living cell line (from Lieuwe van Gogh) in which we replaced (at least as a proof of principle) his natural DNA with historical and synthesized DNA.”

Perhaps the most famous detached body part in all of art history, van Gogh allegedly cut off his ear when he had a mental breakdown, although some German historians now think Paul Gauguin may have cut off van Gogh’s ear with a rapier following a heated argument between the two artists, according to the book Van Goghs Ohr: Paul Gauguin und der Pakt des Schweigens (Van Gogh’s Ear: Paul Gauguin and the Pact of Silence). Though the ear has been recreated, scientists haven’t been able to slow the fading of van Gogh’s paintings.

The scientifically-minded show also includes Social Sculpture: The Scent of Joseph Beuys, a scent-based piece inspired by the German Fluxus artist’s 1974 performance at René Block’s gallery in New York titled, I Like America and America Likes Me. With the help of International Flavors & Fragrances Inc., Strebe has reduced Beuys’s original work into seven scents, like “gallery” and “coyote,” which are meant to evoke Beuys’s experience living for a week with a wild coyote in the gallery space.

Diemut Strebe’s “Free Radicals: Sugababe & Other Works” is on view at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, 31 Mercer Street, New York, November 7–December 5, 2015.

Story Source:

The above post is reprinted from materials provided by artnet News and CNN.

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