8 Mart 2014 Cumartesi

Paul Allen Foundation looking for artificial intelligence researchers


Bioengineer.org http://ift.tt/1oAMTia

The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation is taking proposals from researchers interested in working on using “risky, novel approaches” to study artificial intelligence (AI) topics like machine reading, diagram interpretation and reasoning, and spatial and temporal reasoning.

Paul Allen Foundation looking for artificial intelligence researchers

As part of the Allen Distinguished Investigator (ADI) Program, the foundation will offer $1 to $2 million for five to eight projects — a total of $8 million — over a three-year period. The foundation’s goal is to give this year’s ADI researchers the ability to “answer big, open questions of science that may be too risky or bold for traditional sources of funding.”

“We don’t shy away from the untried or untested. Instead, we look for the curious and the bold,” Jody Allen, co-founder and president of the Foundation, said in a statement. “We are looking for researchers that are driven by this same passion — to look for a cutting-edge approach that will pioneer and expand science and result in breakthroughs that will help change the world.”

Story Source:

The above story is based on materials provided by geekwire.

The post Paul Allen Foundation looking for artificial intelligence researchers appeared first on Bioengineer.org.

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